Finishing Line Press is planning to release this new gem by Northfield Poet Laureate Rob Hardy in January, and pre-orders are now being taken! Shelter in Place speaks to the collective present moment lucidly and personally, and will be certain to continue to delight upon each re-reading.
To pre-order you own copies, you can click on the link above. Back cover blurbs are listed below!
Powerful work, infused with beauty and grace from one of Minnesota’s talented poets. Rob Hardy is a treasure.
–Cathy Wurzer, Morning Edition Host, Minnesota Public Radio, and Founder of the End in Mind Project
When the future, especially under the influence of pandemic, “feels like unclaimed baggage,” Rob Hardy shows us “it’s hard to let go of absence.” In this lovely small collection of poems, dread is the catalyst for new life, and absence is metamorphosed into the new small miracles present all around.
–Emilio DeGrazia, author of What Trees Know
Slender in size, Hardy’s new collection is weighty in its felicitous and fearless examination of the present moment. Shelter in Place offers “singing in the wake of the storm/a fugue of chromatic juncos,” which transitions to the beautiful fragility of aftermath, when “winter’s white tune/is taken up by the wild plum.” Hardy uses elegance and restraint to rein in a wild inventiveness of observations, at once sensitive and learned, about human nature and the natural world. Shelter in Place will long delight readers with its lucidity, poignancy, humor, and humanity.
–Leslie Schultz, author of Concertina
This past summer, Third Wednesday Magazine began posting mini readings by poets affiliated with the magazine on their brand new YouTube Channel. Yesterday, David Jibson, Third Wednesday’s editor, and I taped a segment in which I was able to read several poems from my published collections. The whole recording is about twelve minutes long.
To watch other short readings by TWM poets, go to the magazine’s YouTube Channel. Currently there are readings posted by TWM editor emeritus Lawrence Thomas and by Buff Bradley, Paul Bernstein, and Nancy Jo Allen. More will be added in the future.
A big “Thank You!” to Third Wednesday Magazine for everything they do to support readers of poetry (and fiction!), as well as visual and literary artists like me!
The Storm That Did Not Break…