“Butane” for April 2, 2019

That was the name
of my special horse,
the electronic one,
part of the game
my daughter and I played,
when homework was done,
played over and over
here in this room.
She was horse-mad, 
horse-knowing, then;
saved her money
for riding lessons;
pondered the breeds
and drew them for hours,
over and over.
I don’t remember
much about the aim—
just that our stable
held fine mares
who ran like the wind,
whose names all rhymed
with rain, and we would
call them
across the finish line,
over and over,
a joyous refrain.
Sometimes I would urge
something against
the rules: “Run,
Butane! Go beyond!
Break free, right through
the fence! Right off the screen!”
And off she went,
off-grid, out of view,
off on her private
adventures. My coltish
girl would collapse
against me with laughter.
I would stroke her
long, red mane,
and we would talk
about life and the game
and happily ever after.
Leslie Schultz
(photo by Karla Schultz)

Until this morning, I had forgotten all about mighty Butane, the only horse ever entrusted to my care. As I lit a beeswax candle with a butane lighter, though, her name came back in a flash. Though only a temporary set of pixels, (aren’t we all?) Butane was a champion.

These photos of Julia from not so long ago seem from another age–the young poet riding herd over her words, near her first Sidewalk poem; the experienced rider at the end of year show; the piano student pausing to admire a tree outside her teacher’s house. Okay, I will admit to a little nostaglia as Julia rides expertly the last laps of her college career, soon to be breaking free into her own as-yet-unscripted adventures.

Meanwhile, Tim and I are enjoying our rarer times together with Julia more than ever, and are lining this empty nest with the richness of memory and with the glitter of the new, just-beyond-the-horizon insights and adventures. LESLIE

April 25, 2018 NaPoWriMo Challenge Poem: “Opinion Piece: Afternoon Interlude”

Recycled Glass Path (photo: Karla Schultz)

Whooping Crane Vocalizing (photo: Karla Schultz)

Opinion Piece: Afternoon Interlude

Yesterday, perched on a chair,
in a friend’s lofty house,
knitting a sock of maroon wool,
discussing difficult new fiction,

I dropped my knitting, half-rose to stare:
down through the wide, clean window.
Over tufts of straw-bleached grass
and a partly thawed pond,

the low, long, elegant swoop
of a lone sandhill crane
flowed to its conclusion
oblivious of utterance. Full

of its own light and syntax,
punctuated only by wing
and pinion, it appeared to be made
solely of cadence, of insight.

Leslie Schultz

Whooping Crane Preening (photo: Karla Schultz)

Sadly, I have no photographs of Sandhill Cranes. These photos were all taken at the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo, Wisconsin. (The last image is one I took; the others are all by my accomplished sister!)

May you soar today in your daily rounds! Leslie

Check out other participants in the NaPoWriMo Challenge!

April 13, 2018 NaPoWriMo Challenge Poem: “Enchantment” & Photography By Karla Schultz

for Karla

Remember those pajamas with feet we padded in,
how we sat near the television, clutching
each other in fear when Dorothy’s house
pinned down the first witch and her striped stockings
shriveled? We shivered as the tiny silver
screen shimmered with image after image.

Most magical of all, that sudden wash
of color, of eyes opened at last
to besetting wonder: beauties and dangers.
As I see it, sister, you carry Oz
with you everywhere. Fields of bright poppies
wake you up, and you bring us all to light.

Leslie Schultz

For Karla,

You scatter pixel dust with practiced hand,
transport me to a rare magical land.
The measure of your magic is to show
beauty abounds and seeing makes it grow.


A number of older posts feature Karla’s incomparable photographs, from vistas to insects and everything in between. Just search on “Winona Media Karla Schultz” to find dozens, each one amazing!

Check out other participants in the NaPoWriMo Challenge!

April 13, 2017 Poems: “Four Medallions: Inspired by Photographs from Karla Schultz”

NaPoWriMo 2017 April 13


Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, Chapel Hill, South Carolina (photo: Karla Schultz)

Papilio glaucus

your tiger stripes,
Tiger Swallowtail, are
uncommonly elegant on
mauve bloom.


Hummingbird Moth, Raleigh, South Carolina (photo: Karla Schultz)

Macroglossum stellatarum

forager, you
sip nectar, chug sweetness,
Hummingbird Moth, until stars


Goldfinch, Chapel Hill, South Carolina (photo: Karla Schultz)

 Spinus tristis

from thistle-down~
your waved-shaped flights weave one year,


Dawn with Seagull, Amelia Island, Florida (photo: Karla Schultz)


Each dawn
finds you, Seagull,
on the freshly made shore—
a new day, golden ideas
cast up.


Today, on my sister’s birthday, I am celebrating Karla’s patience, skill, and artistry in capturing these amazing images from the natural world. Her work continues to amaze and inspire me. I have learned so much from studying not only her images but the wealth of science to which they offer me access. Her photographs feel like passports out of my human mind into the lives of flowers, trees, birds, insects, reptiles, and other mammals.

Thank you, Karla, for sharing your art with me and the world. Happy Birthday! May the year ahead be filled with exciting moments of beautiful discovery.


Check out other participants at the NaPoWriMo Challenge 2017 home site!