April 25, 2018 NaPoWriMo Challenge Poem: “Opinion Piece: Afternoon Interlude”

Recycled Glass Path (photo: Karla Schultz)

Whooping Crane Vocalizing (photo: Karla Schultz)

Opinion Piece: Afternoon Interlude

Yesterday, perched on a chair,
in a friend’s lofty house,
knitting a sock of maroon wool,
discussing difficult new fiction,

I dropped my knitting, half-rose to stare:
down through the wide, clean window.
Over tufts of straw-bleached grass
and a partly thawed pond,

the low, long, elegant swoop
of a lone sandhill crane
flowed to its conclusion
oblivious of utterance. Full

of its own light and syntax,
punctuated only by wing
and pinion, it appeared to be made
solely of cadence, of insight.

Leslie Schultz

Whooping Crane Preening (photo: Karla Schultz)

Sadly, I have no photographs of Sandhill Cranes. These photos were all taken at the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo, Wisconsin. (The last image is one I took; the others are all by my accomplished sister!)

May you soar today in your daily rounds! Leslie

Check out other participants in the NaPoWriMo Challenge!