Zoom Reading–January 22, 2025–Leslie Schultz and Kathy Edgren (Crazy Wisdom Poetry Circle)

I am so pleased to be reading via Zoom with my friend and Third Wednesday Magazine colleague, poet Katherine Edgren, in the monthly series. I will be reading first, mostly poems from my new collection, Geranium Lake: Poems on Art and Art-Making; Kathy will be reading both poems from her newest collection, Keeping Out the Noise, as well as some newer work published recently in journals. After the two readings, there will be an Open Mic event–with sign-up starting at 6:45 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)–so consider coming to listen and staying to read your own work or work you love!

Hope to see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 4386 4740


Email cwpoetrycircle@gmail.com for Zoom link.

The Readings Series

of The Crazy Wisdom Poetry Circle

 Wednesday, January 22, 2025  

7:00 PM – 8:45 PM (Eastern Standard Time)

Featured Readers:

Leslie Schultz and Katherine Edgren

                                               Leslie Schultz                                                 Katherine Edgren                        

Katherine Edgren has authored four collections of poetry, the most recent being Keeping Out the Noise. Her work has appeared in Coe Review, Birmingham Poetry Review, Third Wednesday. Before retirement, she headed a department at University of Michigan Health Service and served as a City of Ann Arbor Council Member.

Leslie Schultz has five collections of poetry; Geranium Lake: Poems on Art and Art-Making is her most recent. Her poetry has appeared widely in Poet Lore, Able Muse, and other journals. She also publishes photographs, essays, and fiction, and happily mucks about in a garden plagued by shade and rabbits.

Until further notice, all sessions are virtual and accessible through Zoom. 

Email cwpoetrycircle@gmail.com for Zoom link.

Featured readers are followed by Open Mic reading.  • FREE • All writers welcome  • Readyour own or other favorite poetry. • Sign up begins 6:45 p.m. • Poetry Series readings every fourth Wednesday hosted by David Jibson, Ed Morin & Lissa Perrin.  See our blog at https://cwcircle.poetry.blog/

April 4, 2024 THIRD WEDNESDAY’s New Issue is Out and Includes My Poem, “A Cache of Antique Postcards”

Do you, too, save old postcards?

I have a collection of ones that I bought, ones that were sent to me, and ones that were given to me by dear departed friends, Elvin and Corrine Heiberg. Some are pristine, some were battered in the mail nearly a hundred years ago. This collection, a small fraction of which is pictured above, inspired my poem, “A Cache of Antique Postcards.” If you would like to read it in the newest issue of Third Wednesday, you can download a free issue HERE. I am very glad to be in the company of the poets listed below, and I look forward to reading their poems soon!


NewsFlash! THIRD WEDNESDAY Publishes My Poem, “A Cache of Antique Postcards”

I have long had a thing for old postcards. I suspect most of us do. When Julia was little, our dear neighbors, Corrine and Elvin Heiberg gave us many that they (and their parents) had collected on their travels or received. We enjoyed looking at them, front and back, deciphering the handwriting, admiring the vintage stamps, and thinking of future travels of our own. We even invented a geography game that probably only Julia can remember which morphing rules governed.

Lately, when I have looked at some of those depicting monuments and historical points of interest, my point of view about what is depicted and what it means to me has shifted a bit. I wonder how the past connects to the future and just where I fit in.

Third Wednesday Magazine is one of my personal favorites as a suscriber, and so I am so pleased to appear on their pages again.

If you would like to read my poem, click HERE. Thanks for reading this! LESLIE

Mini Readings on THIRD WEDNESDAY’S New YouTube Channel!

This past summer, Third Wednesday Magazine began posting mini readings by poets affiliated with the magazine on their brand new YouTube Channel. Yesterday, David Jibson, Third Wednesday’s editor, and I taped a segment in which I was able to read several poems from my published collections. The whole recording is about twelve minutes long.

To watch other short readings by TWM poets, go to the magazine’s YouTube Channel. Currently there are readings posted by TWM editor emeritus Lawrence Thomas and by Buff Bradley, Paul Bernstein, and Nancy Jo Allen. More will be added in the future.

A big “Thank You!” to Third Wednesday Magazine for everything they do to support readers of poetry (and fiction!), as well as visual and literary artists like me!

THIRD WEDNESDAY Has Published Its Summer 2021 Issue, and It Includes My Poem, “I’m Outside Shucking Sweet Corn”

It is almost sweet corn season, here in southern Minnesota, and I am so pleased that now I can share with you a poem I wrote last summer, based on a true, split-second encounter with sweet corn and a hummingbird.

This isn’t news but it bears repeating: I am continually impressed by how Third Wednesday supports writers, artists, students, and readers. Not only is this journal filled with imaginative work, these editors–working literary and graphic artists themselves–are always seeking new was to help contributors connect with audiences and with each other. In the past few years, they have started a Poem of the Week feature on their blog (subscriptions are free); they have made issues available for free download in PDF format (the print format is available for a modest $8 on Amazon); and, most recently, they have begun hosting Zoom Launch Readings for contributors as each new issue is published, allowing us to put names and voices to work on the page and to connect at a deeper level that is often possible with international journals.

The new issue can be read online HERE. It can be ordered in printed format HERE. And, of course, subscriptions for four issues a year are welcome at the Third Wednesday website. If you are a poet, graphic artist, or fiction writer, I urge you to take a look at their submission guidelines–the deadline for the upcoming issue is August 15, 2021. Fiction writers, please note that this is also the deadline for the 2021 George Dila Memorial Flash Fiction contest!

Happy Reading! LESLIE

Wintered-over Geranium Happily Back on the Garden