April 4, 2024 THIRD WEDNESDAY’s New Issue is Out and Includes My Poem, “A Cache of Antique Postcards”

Do you, too, save old postcards?

I have a collection of ones that I bought, ones that were sent to me, and ones that were given to me by dear departed friends, Elvin and Corrine Heiberg. Some are pristine, some were battered in the mail nearly a hundred years ago. This collection, a small fraction of which is pictured above, inspired my poem, “A Cache of Antique Postcards.” If you would like to read it in the newest issue of Third Wednesday, you can download a free issue HERE. I am very glad to be in the company of the poets listed below, and I look forward to reading their poems soon!


4 thoughts on “April 4, 2024 THIRD WEDNESDAY’s New Issue is Out and Includes My Poem, “A Cache of Antique Postcards”

  1. That is interesting! A college professor of mine wrote started writing (after he retired) sonnets constructed so that the first words of each line, read down, create a haiku.

  2. A trick I learned from a Wordsworth poem is reading the last word of each line as if they make a line of poetry. Sometimes the words are nonsense, but occasionally they speak–I think yours do, somewhat. They’re evocative, anyway: fading pencil postal affixed forever–build us ultimately present past. In any case it’s fun!

  3. Congratulations, Leslie. I’ll be thinking about this poem for some time. It seems strong and honest to me and not at all sentimental which, truth be told, is what I expected at least a little. Well done!

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