“Zebras” for April 26, 2019

I fashion zebras
however I can.
Each one is distinct,
printed with
patterns decreed
under her skin.
I know that the wild
herds in my mind
will not stampede
across this page.
They are fierce, free,
run where they will.
Each zebra is shy
of reins, contains

whole rainbows,
has no need of me,
but still I sing to each.
I summon them by
stroking black ink
on fields of blank
white. Maybe they
will turn, catch me
in nets cast by
their bold stripes.
Then, just
for a moment,
I can stand near,
breathe alongside.
Leslie Schultz
Photo: Leslie Schultz “Striped Shadow”
Photo: Leslie Schultz “Polar Zebra”
Photo: michael4wein (pixabay)
Photo: Felix Broennimann, polygon-designs (pixabay)