2019 Maria W. Faust/Great River Shakespeare Festival Sonnet Contest Celebration!

As we do most years, Tim and I traveled this summer to attend the Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest Celebration, part of the Great River Shakespeare Festival held on the Winona State University campus.

This year, more than 400 sonnets were submitted from poets from all over–many from the Mississippi River region, many from across the U.S., and each year more and more from abroad–this year submissions were received from nine countries outside the United States.

If you click on the link above, you’ll find a list of winning sonnets as well as poets’ names and home towns. I was quite surprised — and very pleased! — to learn that one of my own submitted sonnets, “Zebras in Sunlight,” is in the list. I was very pleased (and not at all surprised) that a fine sonnet by a poet-friend, Scott Lowery, was in the highest winners’ circle!

As an aside, I have realized that since the time I first learned of this sonnet showcase in 2013, I have truly begun to “think in sonnets.” I have written poems in this form for many years now and then, but I just did a loose count and realized that in the past six years I have written more than 100 new sonnets. I know for certain this would not have happened without this annual nudge from my friends in Winona. Thank you!

But I digress! The prelude to the event was music by the ensemble, Flutistry. This group of five flutists–Janet Heukeshoven, Heidi Bryant, Arlene Boll, Lisa Ramsey and Amanda Wenzel–wove the sonic spell that prepared us all for the music of the sonnets to come. Their program for the day ranged from a composition by William Byrd–a contemporary of William Shakespeare–to more modern works. All were rendered with verve and panache, as you can sense from the inset video clip, primitive though my videography skills are.

 J. Anderson
Ashokan Farewell, Jay Ungar
Mississippi Rag, W.H. Krell
Earl of Oxford's Marche, William Byrd
Fascinating Rhythm, George Gershwin
Summertime, George Gershwin

After the music, everyone headed in to the theater.

Many thanks to all the people who have made this event a summertime essential for so many of us: present and past Winona Poet Laureates Ken McCullough, Emilio DeGrazia, and James Armstrong; readers from the GRSF acting company, including Artistic Director Doug Scholz-Carlson; Heidi Bryant, webmaster; the musicians of Flutistry; the hundreds of poets who submit work each year; and especially Ted Haaland, who supports this annual celebration of new poetry as a living memorial to his beloved late wife, Maria W. Faust.


News Flash! I Will Be Reading in Winona, Minnesota on July 9th!

Are YOU curious about what’s happening at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse this summer?

If you know the river town of Winona, Minnesota, you know it is pulsing with exciting arts opportunities, spectacular natural beauty, and delicious opportunities for snacking and dining. In fact, their motto is “Surprisingly Weird, Incredibly Entertaining.”

If you fancy a scenic drive to this part of the state, I would like to suggest two poetry-rich dates for your calendar. The first is 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse, when I will be reading from my collection, CONCERTINA.

The second event is later in July, on Saturday the 20th at 10:30 a.m. on the Winona State University Campus. Each year, Tim and I like to hear the winning sonnets of the annual Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest read expressively by members of the Great River Shakespeare Festival. (The link above has more details on the 2019 capstone event as well as postings of the winning sonnets from past years.)

We will probably also visit the gardens and paintings at one of our favorite museums, the Minnesota Marine Art Museum, located right on the Mississippi. I am especially keen to see the exhibition up by justly celebrated photographer Alec Soth called “Sleeping by the Mississippi.”

Hoping to see you there, once or even twice! Happy summer travels!

Wild Card Farewell: “ARS POETICA” for April 30, 2019

Ars Poetica
A poem slips open into your hand
like a cracked egg falling, wobbly but whole,
into your old blue china mixing bowl,
nascent but complete, soon to be transformed—
new matrix binding chance observation,
puzzled memory, and flash points of insight
with enough artistry to draw attention.
Some few go deep, bring a bright steel rivet
to strengthen the battleship of the brain;
platinum threads to reweave a broken heart,
mending its weary net. Where there is pain,
we cry out to our old mother art.
Cake or bread? Confection or contusion?
A poem serves up its startling fusion.
Leslie Schultz

Thank you for joining me for this circadian exploration of words and pictures during April! Wishing you a season filled with exciting discoveries, poetic, pictorial, and otherwise!


Wild Card: “Weathering” for April 27, 2019

What is raised up in a storm of bright hope
lifts the heart, too. We work together
to make dreams come true. Can we make them stay?
We tend, cultivate, patch, paint, and repair—
year after year after eventful year—
and our dreams support us, provide a roof
to shelter honorable, essential work.
For a while. For the winds of change decree
nothing lasts for always in the same way.
Cathedrals can combust in Gothic flames.
Prairie storms can derange the upstanding beams
of barns that have held our generations.
Demolished dreams clear the ground for different seed,
those new chapters we mightily resist, but need.
Leslie Schultz
Photo: Leslie Schultz (circa 1987)

Photo: Leslie Schultz (circa 1987)
Photo: Leslie Schultz (circa 1989)
Photo: Marea Mohr (April 2019)
Photo: Marea Mohr (April 2019)
Photo: Marea Mohr (April 2019)

“Zebras” for April 26, 2019

I fashion zebras
however I can.
Each one is distinct,
printed with
patterns decreed
under her skin.
I know that the wild
herds in my mind
will not stampede
across this page.
They are fierce, free,
run where they will.
Each zebra is shy
of reins, contains

whole rainbows,
has no need of me,
but still I sing to each.
I summon them by
stroking black ink
on fields of blank
white. Maybe they
will turn, catch me
in nets cast by
their bold stripes.
Then, just
for a moment,
I can stand near,
breathe alongside.
Leslie Schultz
Photo: Leslie Schultz “Striped Shadow”
Photo: Leslie Schultz “Polar Zebra”
Photo: michael4wein (pixabay)
Photo: Felix Broennimann, polygon-designs (pixabay)