for my sister, Karla
All winter, this view has comforted me:
your photograph, on canvas, filled with green,
palest blue sky, golds, and red glowing leaves,
supported by lattices of tracery.
You sent it for my bleak, frozen birthday,
knowing mine falls when our branches are bare,
knowing how our heavy skies glower grey
as unpolished silver here. I can stare,
up from understory to sun-fired glow:
a tree circled by delicate vine, a view
as heart-lifting as a stained-glass window.
Today, on your birthday, I offer you
heart-felt lines of thanks for the quiet majesty
of your soaring spirit, your care, your artistry.
Leslie Schultz

Regular Winona Media readers know about the keen ability of my sister, Karla Schultz, to find and capture images of the natural world. Her images are dazzling and humbling, and I am grateful for her permission to share them here from time to time.
For the past four years, I have been happy that, since Karla’s birthday falls on April 13, right in the heart of the National Poetry Writing Month marathon, I have had the perfect spur to concoct and share a sororal paean. Though I can’t be with her on her special day this year, I am happy to know that right now she is out with her cameras.