All through last night, despite a pleasant evening and dropping right off to sleep, I found myself tossing and turning, worried that I would not find any poems this April to share during the National Poetry Writing Month challenge.
Insistent Bliss
It latches on like an infant.
I cannot help but cradle it,
this desire, my best intent
to discover insight or wit,
to write a line that sings the blues,
the purples, greens, resplendent golds,
and fire-spun red or pink-sparked hues
that flash, ink-drawn, as night unfolds;
and, sometimes, even wisdom comes,
surprises me, like shafts of light
that break through scenic tumbled clouds
and pierce my heart with wild delight;
this comes despite coronal flare
of fear, to comfort and repair.
Leslie Schultz
This morning, I found I did find something that took me by surprise and that I wanted to share. Will that hold true each April morning? The truth is, I have no idea. Inspiration is mysterious. All I know for sure is that I plan to knock on its door each morning, not sure if it will open or, if it does, what will be on the other side. If there is nothing? Then I will share that.
Thank you for joining me in this uncertain but interesting journey through the days ahead! We’ll see what we get.
If you would like to read other poems composed in the moment this month, do check out the mother ship, the NaPoWriMo website, where there are links to the personal websites of hundreds of participating poets. If you’d like to try your hand at a poem, the NaPoWriMo site offers daily prompts. And if you are taking up the month-long challenge this year (and plan to publish your poems in real time), then consider registering your website with them.