Despite the ups and downs of March weather here in southern Minnesota (temperatures in the 60s one day, followed by nearly two inches of cold rain and then a day of snowfall) the light is longer, greening is beginning to show along with budding leaves, the birds in the garden are fashioning nests from wisps of straw and stray twigs, and birdsong begins every morning at dawn.
That means April will fast be upon us, the month when poets, too, have new songs each day.
In April 2022, I will undertake for the seventh year in a row, the National Poetry Writing Challenge to compose and share a new poem each day for thirty days. (I thought I might give myself a sabbatical this year, but have decide to try once again to rise to the challenge.) And again I am going to share the poems themselves via email. In addition, I will share the title and a little bit of backstory for each poem here on Winona Media, along with something else from the wide world of poetry.

If you received poems from me each day in April 2021 via email, and would like to continue to do so in 2022, no action is needed.
If you would like to be added to the email list to receive poems in April 2022, send me an email at winonapoet@gmail.com.
Or, if you did receive poems each day in April last year, but wish to opt out, send me an email at winonapoet@gmail.com, and I will remove you from the list.
I hope you will enjoy the sweetness of April this year, no matter what else looms, and that you will find a sense of renewal and regeneration through daily encounters with nature and art.