Tag Archives: Minnesota Marine Art Museum
News Flash! I Will Be Reading in Winona, Minnesota on July 9th!
Are YOU curious about what’s happening at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse this summer?

If you know the river town of Winona, Minnesota, you know it is pulsing with exciting arts opportunities, spectacular natural beauty, and delicious opportunities for snacking and dining. In fact, their motto is “Surprisingly Weird, Incredibly Entertaining.”
If you fancy a scenic drive to this part of the state, I would like to suggest two poetry-rich dates for your calendar. The first is 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at the Blue Heron Coffeehouse, when I will be reading from my collection, CONCERTINA.

The second event is later in July, on Saturday the 20th at 10:30 a.m. on the Winona State University Campus. Each year, Tim and I like to hear the winning sonnets of the annual Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest read expressively by members of the Great River Shakespeare Festival. (The link above has more details on the 2019 capstone event as well as postings of the winning sonnets from past years.)
We will probably also visit the gardens and paintings at one of our favorite museums, the Minnesota Marine Art Museum, located right on the Mississippi. I am especially keen to see the exhibition up by justly celebrated photographer Alec Soth called “Sleeping by the Mississippi.”

Hoping to see you there, once or even twice! Happy summer travels!