Last fall, Tim and I were guided to some intriguing troll sculptures in the Detroit Lakes area of Northern Minnesota. (Thanks, Tricia and Bob!) These sculptures are the brain children of Danish sculptor and environmental activist, Thomas Dambo. Currently, his troll sculptures–made of reclaimed materials and realized through partnerships with local communities–are standing tall in 17 countries. On Dambo’s website, there is a description of his philosophy and a map of all the current sculptures.
Recently, friend Lea Goode-Harris, an artist, photographer, poet, and labyrinth designer who is based in California, sent me images of the trolls she had traveled to encounter. Suffice to say, our glee knew no bounds. When Lea suggested we each write short poems about these whimsical works and combine our photographs for a shared post on her website, I was pleased to participate. The post went up yesterday.
For more photos and our poems, please visit the Manzanita Sisters website. Hope you will enjoy them!