Crusadering for Lynn No need for Gotham searchlights on the highway. Full sun shines down upon this Batmobile, this shiny purple pickup truck on its way somewhere, with something epic to reveal. “DKN1GHT” is stamped on plates from Dairyland. The tailgate sports a spooky cityscape, with cauled crimestoppers standing hand by hand, taller than buildings, masked, and wearing capes. Silvery bats with outstretched wings adorn the tailgate and the pristine trailer hitch. A plushy Batman bounces up to warn all evil-doers to supress the itch. It costs a pretty penny, you could say, to illustrate how crime will never pay. Leslie Schultz
This weekend is all about traveling along the Mississippi River for us–to Trempeauleau and to Red Wing for family celebration and for poetry. This poem, written earlier this spring, was inspired by sonnets galore, by a trip to Winona that Tim and I took last July, and by my friend, Lynn, a poet who lives in NYC, the real Gotham.
I hope that your own journeys contain some unexpected sight before their safe conclusions!

Fun piece. I love how you strike such a balance of … careful craft and sharp humor! This was great.
You never know what will spark a poem, do you??
Great exhibition of road fun versus road rage.
Wonderful rhyme and fun imagery in this excellent piece, Leslie. Thanks for posting.