Monthly Archives: May 2023
BLUE UNICORN Has Published Its 46th Issue #2 (Spring 2023) and Includes My Poem, “Conception”

Blue Unicorn always holds delights and surprises for me. With this issue, my delight started on the cover, with the photograph by Helen Schoenhals Hart taken at Black Lake, Michigan. Artistic, perfect for the journal, and it made me laugh out loud! I can’t recall when another cover of a literary journal has elicited that multivalent response from me!
Among the poems between the covers are a host of intriguing translations — including English versions of work by Antonio Macchado (Spanish), Guilliame Apollinaire (French), Ch’ Oui or Uisun (Korean) — as well as work by contemporary poets who write in English. Of these, I was drawn to many, particularly “Pink Moon” (a deft and multifacted evocation of the Supermoon we all experienced in April of 2020) by Dion O’Reilly of Sorquel, California, and “Who Cooks for You?” (an existential riff on hearing the cries of nearby barred owls) by Gary Metheny of Greensboro, North Carolina. I am so glad that my poem, “Conception,” is in their company.