6 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving Day, 2022!

  1. Thank you for writing, dear Bev! My heart is full as a read your message. I am so glad to hear from you, on Thanksgiving of all days, and I am going to write to you on paper. My heart is overflowing, too.

  2. Wow, what a stunning photograph! Thank you, Leslie, for this glimpse from your early morning. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Tim, and Julia — from Germany, where it’s just a regular Thursday, Doris

  3. Leslie,
    And to you and your family, too.
    I have much to be thankful for again this year.
    Last year my dear partner, Don, died. It was a terrible loss. When he was dying, I told him I believed after death people looked down and took care of the ones they loved. He said he liked that and would take special care of me. This summer I met a wonderful and extraordinary man, Stu. There were so many coincidences, I had to believe he was sent to me by Don.
    I have in my life my two sweet grandchildren, Vivi, age 7, and Lyman, age 5, my daughter, Chenney, my son-in-law, Nick, all living in Portland Oregon, a sister, two brothers, my health, a lovely home in south Texas, a home in Burnsville for the summers, many wonderful and supportive friends, and now Stu and his family, who have welcomed me. My cup overflows.

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