The Road Not Taken: A Journal of Formal Poetry has just published Volume 16, Issue 1. Publishing fine formal poetry since 2007, this journal is a font of adept and interesting poems. Issues are published online, and they offer interested readers an easily accessible archive, chronologically arranged.
I am so pleased that they have included a sonnet, “Wave of Departure,” inspired by the ginkgo tree Tim and I planted almost twenty-three years ago in honor of Julia’s birth. The images below are of this tree.
For all you formalist poets out there, this lovely journal puts out three issues a year. Submission Guidelines are clear and specific, and submission periods are as follows:
Fall Submission Period: August 15th – October 15th
Spring Submission Period: January 15th – March 15th
Summer Submission Period: April 1st- June 15th
I am sure you will enjoy looking at the current issue. Poems selected have been collected under the themes of “Safe Spaces,” “Satires,” and “Closures.”
Happy Reading! LESLIE

Thank you, so much, Beth! It has been the most active April for me, ever.
CONGRATULATIONS! Perhaps an even better way or nice bookend to the other celebrations of Poetry Month.