You can read the digital version at no cost HERE
To purchase a paper copy or subscribe (or submit your own work, check out the Third Wednesday Magazine website.)
My poem, “Dandelion,” I just learned, is the winning “50/50” poem for this issue! Such a surprise and such a delight to me because I know the competition is stiff. In fact, this issue is jam-packed with 73 poems from 65 poets. It just arrived today, and you know that I will be curled up with it tomorrow. Fortunately it is predicted to be a snow day here.
(Please note that full biographies of poets are available on the earlier broadside posts the magazine published as each poem was accepted, and they are accessible on their website. As an example, here is what you find if you go to the right-hand search bar over “Posts” and search on my last name. You can do the same for any poet in this issue. You can also subscribe, free of charge, to receive posts of newly accepted poems for future issues.)
This issue’s cover (as you will see from the link above) is a splendid visual arts collage by editor-in-chief David Jibson called “No Strings Attached.” It is an homage to the famed City Lights Book Store in San Francisico and one of its celebrated poets, Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
Here is a link to the Poetry Foundation’s website post on the famous (an perennially delightful) poem referenced, “Don’t Let That Horse…”)
I was unable to figure out how to reproduce the cover image for the Winter 2022 issue from the pdf provided, and I was unwilling to wait until my own print copy arrived in the mail, so I am sharing two images from my own pilgrimage there many years ago. These were taken from inside the bookstore looking out. Only in San Francisco! (Or maybe Ann Arbor!)

Happy Reading!

Well, how can anything compete with with a cute dog? š
This is wonderful news! Congratulations, Leslie. The cover is wonderful as well … although I DO like your photos maybe a smidge better. š
Hi Michelle,
Thank you! It means so much to me.
That’s exciting news – Congratulations!