Postcard for April 26, 2021 & a Lagniappe for Richard Wilbur–My Poem “Two Voices in a Starbucks”

After the post in the wee hours this morning on Richard Wilbur, I realized that I had neglected to mention one poem of his that has affected my own work. His “Two Voices in a Meadow” is masterful and lives in my heart and brain (yes, I do have it memorized!)

Some years ago, I wrote an homage poem to his poem. Mine is called “Two Voices in a Starbucks” and was first published in Mezzo Cammin and then included in my most recent book-length collection, Concertina.

I’m sharing it again, here, as a “lagniappe”, a little something extra, a Cajun French term I learned during my years in Lake Charles, Louisiana, where I encountered both Community Coffee and Wilbur’s poetry! (I am also including a link to his more masterful and nuanced poem–do read his first and last!)


Two Voices in a Starbucks
                        (for Richard Wilbur)
I grow on mountain slopes
cooled by the breath of God,
a rosy, cozy berry.
My bean outshines its pod.
I submit to fire and blade.
My flavor is my yield.
Drop by drop, I offer up
the fragrance of the field.
My legend says the Buddha
refused his mountain sleep
by cutting off his eyelids:
these leaves you wake to steep.
Thanks to India and China
the world can now create
my delicate, leafy brew
to sip, to meditate.
Leslie Schultz

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