The Summer 2020 issue of Mockingheart Review is now up, and I am pleased to have one of my own poems included in it. MockingHeart Review is an online literary journal. Founded as an poetry magazine in 2015 by Louisiana poet Clare L. Martin, MHR is now under the editorship of poet and critic Tyler Robert Sheldon. Their site highlights this quote from a former U.S. Poet Laureate that resonates with me:
“Poetry provides us with a history of the human heart.” -Billy Collins
I haven’t yet had time to read all this new work in Volume 5, issue 2, but of the poems I have read, I particularly like “The Woman in an Imaginary Painting” by Tom Montag and “The Trouble with Billy Collins’ Poetry” by Andrew Ball.
I am also intrigued by the first mysterious image by the featured visual artist, Lynda Frese.
(Navigating tip from my in-house tech guru: use “Control -” to make the display smaller; this will allow you to access the bottom of the list of poets & poems.)