Mom probably knows a lot,
counsels listening, helping,
staying in tune.
Cuz science is as real
as your feelings or mine,
and like us evolving.
Cuz the little bit
we choose to do
adds up exponentially.
Cuz we don’t always know
the cause or the cure
for sure, but we know
this splendid day
is a chance to be careful
and kind,
to steady the mind,
to smile. To get a clue.
Leslie Schultz

What a feel good poem, Leslie. And the photos only emphasize that all the more. Thanks for the spirit lifter … a day late for me but ALWAYS welcome.
Thanks, Carolyn, for endorsing the good intentions. We are more powerful than we sometimes believe.
Thanks, Elizabeth!
I like to think in terms of ripple effects from kind intentions.
Leslie thank you for this gift! Exactly what I need to hear today, and have in my mind All The Time.
“the little bit
we choose to do
adds up exponentially” EXACTLY.