April 27, 2020 Poem: “Sakura”


It was a tune, a light air,
in the second or third piano book.
You practiced all that wet spring,
young girl with vast imagining.
I recall how you would look
out through the glass door
at the April rain streaming,
turn back to practice, to dreaming
of pink blossoms, of blooming.
Leslie Schultz

I found the image above yesterday. Tim and I took a walk downtown. I carried an umbrella which I needed on the way home as we encountered one of those delightful brief storms when it rains as the sun is shining. We sheltered for a few moments under the awning of the Blue Monday Coffee Shop, where I saw these other umbrellas in two- and three-dimensions.

(Photo: Couleur of Pixabay )
Before a Piano Lesson

2 thoughts on “April 27, 2020 Poem: “Sakura”

  1. What a wonderful word Sakura is. I had to Google it. I suspected its meaning based on the poem but wanted to be certain. It works with the photos just right. And I particularly liked:

    turn back to practice, to dreaming

    of pink blossoms, of blooming.

    Such is the stuff of spring, right? On this rainy 39 degree day it warmed me.

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