Ars Poetica
A poem slips open into your hand
like a cracked egg falling, wobbly but whole,
into your old blue china mixing bowl,
nascent but complete, soon to be transformed—
new matrix binding chance observation,
puzzled memory, and flash points of insight
with enough artistry to draw attention.
Some few go deep, bring a bright steel rivet
to strengthen the battleship of the brain;
platinum threads to reweave a broken heart,
mending its weary net. Where there is pain,
we cry out to our old mother art.
Cake or bread? Confection or contusion?
A poem serves up its startling fusion.
Leslie Schultz

Thank you for joining me for this circadian exploration of words and pictures during April! Wishing you a season filled with exciting discoveries, poetic, pictorial, and otherwise!

My pleasure to share with you, Julia! Leslie
Thank you for taking us along on the journey! Peace, Julia
Dear Beth,
Thank you for your insightful and appreciative comments this April have cheered me enormously toward the finish line. What fun to work outside my comfort zone with the encouragement of my dear friends! Thank you! Love, Leslie
YOU DID IT, LESLIE! AGAIN! Congratulations. And your final poem expresses the range of emotions and senses that you expressed this month so well. A poem a day is a wonderful thing to read – to write?! Amazing!
Ah, Mattie, thank you for all the heartfelt talks and laughter you bring to my life. I love you, too! I am so glad I could share these new poems with you.
thank you Leslie for sharing your daily poems throughout the month of April…. through blizzards, and fire, through buds and winter decay, through death and grief, and also wind and sunshine. It is such an honor to know you, and see the world through your special and unique lens of words. I love you!
Julia, Thank you for your thoughtful responses, and for allowing me to publish your photographs. How lucky I am to have you as my friend! Leslie
Judy, This means so much to me. Thank you for letting me know!
I’ve been drawn to poetry though your very impressive writings and coming alive meanings with words! What a beautiful gift !!
Leslie, thank you so much for a delightful month of poems! It is appropriate to end with a sonnet about poetry, a genre that I love a lot. You are right: a poem is a cracked egg of perfect color and texture.
Thank you, my sister artist, for allowing me to share it with you. Leslie
I thank you for the gift of your poetry.