“Umbrellas” for April 21, 2019

Upturned blossoms
open on rainy days,
the weather necessary
for thirsty upright flowers.
Windborne colonies,
they travel along sidewalks,
especially now, when April
showers are bringing trills
of robins. Clouds will part;
the dome of egg-blue
will return. Until then,
bumper crops of bright
bumpershoots fill
our lowered skies,
protect our heads,
delight our eyes.
Leslie Schultz

Yep. Today, it is raining again, here in Northfield, Minnesota, but today I am looking on the bright side! Many thanks to model Mattie Lufkin–Mattie, you bring sunshine wherever you go!


“Rain, rain, go away” Noah’s Ark Quilt, Made for a Friend, 1994
Carleton College Campus, New Student Week 2016

4 thoughts on ““Umbrellas” for April 21, 2019

  1. It sounds like you had a magical day! I did here, too, thanks to the spontaneously umbrella modeling shoot on top of Northfield’s signature blue Siberian scilla. Happy Easter!

  2. The idea of umbrellas upturned blossoms is wonderful! It feels as if it’s rained here for weeks too. This afternoon, during our Easter Brunch with friends the clouds did move off and that blue dome appeared! I felt as if you were writing this poem just for today where I am!

  3. …. and sunshine to you my dear friend… we are friends through all kinds of weather!

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