News Flash! I’m Offering a One-Night Workshop at the Northfield Arts Guild on Writing from Life Experience

You just never know where life takes you–but it is always an interesting journey. A few weeks back, I had no idea that I would be asked to present a workshop on writing from life. Then, I thought about how this theme runs through my own work–my poetry, fiction, essays, blog posts, and a not-yet-finished memoir…and about how much I appreciate when other writers share, judiciously and artistically…and I agreed.

The course, Capturing Your Story, will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Northfield Arts Guild’s painting studio. It is being made possible by the Bruce Kramer Collaborative Foundation. Here’s a brief description:

How can you convey a sense of your life’s richness? How can your experience, observations, and personal wisdom be translated into written form? Where to start? This workshop introduces techniques for capturing and conveying an idea, an image, or a story in a concise and powerful way so it can be shared—now and in the future. Come with some a memory and leave with a first draft and a clear sense of where to go next. The workshop will include time to learn, practice writing techniques and an opportunity to share if you like. You’ll also go home with resources to continue working. 

Quite a lot of resources, actually. I am now preparing a wealth of materials (handily arranged in a three-ring binder) for participants to take home. Please join me if you can!

To register for this free, one-night-only workshop, send an email to by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 7, 2018.

1 thought on “News Flash! I’m Offering a One-Night Workshop at the Northfield Arts Guild on Writing from Life Experience

  1. Wow! Wish I could come! I’m excited to talk to you about it … and the resources you pass along!

    Congratulations on a cool opportunity and one that will be asked for again I’m certain!

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