April 16, 2018 NaPoWriMo Challenge Poem “Weatherwise”


Is it bee drone? No.
No mosquito. Just a plow
through new April snow.

Atlanta pollens
coat streets, throats, with golden haze.
Here, ice pellets melt.

Robins, bewildered,
roost high, beaks pointed windward.
Where has the spring flown?

Leslie Schultz

I have nothing more today to say–photographically, at least–about snow, so below are three images from my garden and neighborhood from last April. Enjoy today–dress for where you are!


April Crow with Bleeding Heart (2017)

Doorstep with April Scilla (2017)

Check out other participants in the NaPoWriMo Challenge!

4 thoughts on “April 16, 2018 NaPoWriMo Challenge Poem “Weatherwise”

  1. Same here! Love this poem because it’s gentle with a simmering impatience underneath. It snowed here yesterday as well! Ridiculous. I had to remind myself that it snowed on April 19th – Patriot’s Day in this part of the world – fairly often when I was a kid and certainly in the high school marching band. THOSE were days when my flute stuck to my mouth! So while I am simmering with impatience, this weather recalls that same weather in the’70s and earlier. Hoping for spring!

  2. I recall the killer Southern/Western heat. I would be fatigued by that, too, I am afraid! Enjoy your current temperate zone.

  3. You poor folks! It’s an unusually cool spring here, though no snow forecast. I’m enjoying the last of the cool weather before a long Texas summer sets in.

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