April 1, 2018 NaPoWriMo Challenge “Vernal Verities”

Vernal Verities

Corn and poppy,
snake and blade,
rise up from seeds
cast in the shade.

Full moon rises—
blood red or blue,
in harvest gold
or ice-white hue.

Eggs are hidden
in wet grass.
Yearly mysteries
come to pass.

Spill jellybeans!
Carve up the ham!
Alert the Tyger
and the Lamb.

Old Sister Ceres
dances still.
Demeter dwells
behind that hill.

Leslie Schultz

Happy Easter! Happy Spring!   Leslie

Check out other participants in the NaPoWriMo Challenge!

4 thoughts on “April 1, 2018 NaPoWriMo Challenge “Vernal Verities”

  1. So glad to hear from you, Jeanie! Thank you for taking “pot luck” with me each April morning. Leslie

  2. I love this time of year when I am one of the first to read a new poem every day for a month! Vernal Verities along with the photos was a wonderful beginning! Thank you Leslie!

  3. I hope a poem will come each day! It is such an interesting process. Thank you for all your support, Beth!

  4. Both poem and photos are wonderful! What a way to start, Leslie. Look forward to reading a treasured poem each day this month! It’s a great gift.

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