Founded in 1866, Carleton College is celebrating its sesquicentennial this year as it also welcomes Julia and 572 other members of the Class of 2020. The first day of New Student Week–Tuesday, September 6–dawned with a heavy soaking rain that continued into the next day. Nothing could dampen the high spirits of the new students, though.
This week, with returning students on campus as well, the ten-week term will be in full swing. Julia is signed up for Environmental Science 120, Beginning Russian, an Argument and Inquiry freshman seminar called “Religion and the American Landscape,” and a Phy Ed class in folkdance. She’ll be doing eight hours each week of work study (four at the Dacie Moses House (cleaning and baking) and four at the Theater Costume Shop (sewing). In addition, she is investigating opportunities to continue her recorder playing and her love of early music.
Below are a few photos from that rain-swept but upbeat day last week!