Pensive, published twice a year by Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service (CSDS) at Northeastern University in Boston, is currently accepting submissions for its fifth issue. The deadline is May 15, 2023. If you would like to read this issue, you maybe read it online or download a pdf. file at no charge.
There are dozens of wonderful poems here, as well as sublime fiction (including “The Dervish in a Red Skirt” by Fiyola Hoosen-Steele), and the visual art is amazing (I am especially taken with the cover image, a mixed media piece called “Exile II” by Silvina Mizrahi, and the painting, “Ghost Bison,” by Serge Lecomte.)
Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & the Arts is a young publication with a strong and nourishing, cross-cultural point of view. I am so pleased that my own poem, “Echoing Damocles,” (page 154) was chosen to be in this company!