At the beginning of National Poetry Month, I shared a garden photo, stark (just daffodil spears and a small heap of snow) but with the promise of things to come. Since then, the Siberian scilla have come and gone,

and suddenly many new lives are unfolding. Today, I am glad to be able to share a few images of the current state of the garden.

Some of the garden denizens we planted (last year alone, a new ginkgo tree, five shrubs, and some two hundred bulbs) but many are volunteers, including the Siberian scilla and all the violets. On Thursday, we made some rustic trellises out of bamboo poles and planted some new seeds.

Like putting words on a page, everyday and every season in the garden begins with a plan, a certain rhythm, but then takes off with a life of its own. I am consistently inspired by, in the words of Dylan Thomas, how “the force that through the green fuse drives the flower” drives the whole world, including me. It has done from my green age all the way to now, a time of golden harvest in many ways.
Here is one last image.
I hope you will see something amazing outdoors today, some image to gather and bring home to brighten your interior world. LESLIE

I am surprised I never thought to compare the experience of planting plants and/or scattering seeds to putting words on a page. I love that! As I get deeper into pollinators and native plants in my own yard and around town, I am more excited that is not taking away from writing time as much as serving as another action that hopes to yield something to enjoy.
Thank you, Judy!
So beautiful! Judy M