This lovely anthology, a festschrift honoring the late Dr. Kim Bridgford (whom I knew through her journal, Mezzo Cammin) is just out from Kelsay Books. It contains work from other poets whom I know (either personally and/or through their work)–Sally Nacker, Jean L. Kreiling, Karen Kelsay, and Ryan Wasser. Wasser, who is one of the editors who helmed this memorial volume, has also contribute a moving introduction that is a testimony to the positive and lasting effect Kim had on those around her. I am pleased to have three poems of my own included: “Rain Clouds to the East,” “Tiny Troubadour,” and “Silhouette: July Evening.”

It seems fitting for this to be published just as the summer season approaches, when living is a bit easier and the memories made a bit sweeter and more effortless.