HAWAI’I PACIFIC REVIEW Publishes My Poem, “Hunters”

I am very happy to share that Hawai’i Pacific Review has just today published my Shakespearean sonnet, “Hunters,” in their ongoing online journal.

Orion is a frequent visitor this time of year. We can watch this constellation on any clear night from our south-facing living room windows. I am always intrigued by the story-cum-myth backdrops that pattern what we perceive in the night sky, and that preoccupation gave rise to this poem.

Happy sky-watching! Happy reading!


(Photo of Orion by Crushman of Pixabay; used with permission.)

2 thoughts on “HAWAI’I PACIFIC REVIEW Publishes My Poem, “Hunters”

  1. It has been an intense year, hasn’t it? Highs and lows, as we have discussed.
    This is definitely one of the highs.

  2. What a powerful poem! And such an interesting publication. Congratulations, Leslie! Some wonderful thing have come from this year!

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