Five years in the making, a new anthology of winning sonnets from the Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest is now published! The finished volume is filled inventive and moving sonnets, and I am honored to have two of my own included in this gorgeous volume that can be held in the hand, read in the open air of the garden, considered, and returned to again.
Copies of the anthology can be purchased by emailing entries@sonnetcontest.org.

Tim and I always try to attend the Closing Event for the yearly contest in Winona, Minnesota. This year, an inventive online event will be held–and you are invited! Below, the text from a recent email I received from the program administrator.
I hope that you are enjoying these long, light-filled days! Leslie
Traditionally, the Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest has held an annual Closing Event in partnership with the Great River Shakespeare Festival (GRSF). Because we are unable to host a large in-person event this year, we are taking the opportunity to re-invent the celebration. What does that mean? Potentially the largest audience ever! The Closing Event is where the winning sonnets are publicly announced each year. Because this will be an online event, winners will be able to join GRSF actors in reading their sonnets. We have contacted all of the winners and many are excited to participate.We hope that you will join us, too. The link below will allow you to view the event on your computer through Zoom. If you are not available at that time, you will be able to view the video of the event on our website at a later date. Please Join UsSaturday | August 8 | 11:00am Central Timehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85370783611?pwd=WVNNWXZ3MjgxVEV4OG5FajdOS1RDUT09 |

Thanks, Elizabeth. It is a really well run contest–please consider submitting your own work in 2021!
Wow! Congratulations!!
Hi Ted,
The pleasure is all mine! Thank you for all you do to promote new work and perpetuate Maria’s name and legacy.
Here’s to reconvening in Winona in 2021!
Warmly, Leslie (and Tim, too!)
Leslie! Thank-you, repeatedly, for your featuring Maria’s event, her photo, and the newest book of winning sonnets, including your MUCH appreciated submissions,
I, and many others, await the time when our Contest can reoccur face to face.
Be well, both of you, and sonnet on….
My best, Ted