Okay, perhaps not all that trendy!
Like many of us, for me this extra time at home dovetailing with extra energy for sorting and cleaning has brought some buried treasure to light. I have realized that a few things that I have published over the years, and which upon rereading still seem to me to hold some value and interest. Yet these unearthed gems have proven even more ephemeral than I expected.
Perhaps it is a review of a book that I loved, published in a local newspaper decades ago–fish wrap, any one?–but upon rereading was moved to pick up the book again and encounter it anew. Or perhaps it is an essay, story, or poem that was published in a print or online publication that has gone dark.

In any case, I am going to share again a few of these blasts from the past during the dog days ahead. Fear not! I will alert you in the headline whenever the bulk of the post is recycled, so you can skip it if you wish! (There will be all-new posts sprinkled in, here and there, too, this summer.)
Wishing you elegant enjoyment of the hot weeks ahead!