Love of Locks & Locks of Love

I have always had an abundance of hair. Here’s a photograph of me when I was just one day old.

And here is another, just six weeks later:

While I have flirted with shorter styles now and again, usually my hair has been shoulder-length or positively Victorian.

When I was in high school, though, I had a classmate who struggled not just with adolescence (like the rest of us) but with cancer. She had lost her hair and wore a wig of acrylic fibers. Though she never said so, I know that it made her feel self-conscious.

Decades later, something clicked when I learned about the charity Locks of Love. My neighbors’ granddaughter, a young teenager, donated her beautiful long blond hair to help another child. Established in 1997, the Locks of Love purpose reads this way: Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children free of charge.

As I researched more, I learned that even those with (ahem!) a few (or more) strands of silver can donate hair, since the more senior hair can be sold to other wig-makers and the proceeds go to support Locks of Love’s work. Knowing that, I talked about it with my kind stylist, Lindsay, the owner and manager of Buzz Salon here in Northfield, who agreed to make the donation on my behalf.

So, ready for a change, I set the appointment and set about enjoying the last weeks of having longish hair. Below is a pictorial summary of the past few days.




20 thoughts on “Love of Locks & Locks of Love

  1. Good for you, Leslie! What a kind and generous thing to do. I suspect multiple individuals will be grateful for your donation to Locks of Love.

    AND, I like the short hair style. The natural wave/curl and the way it makes you look so youthful and absolutely NOT Victorian!

  2. Thank you, Allison! I did have a smidge of trepidation, so I appreciate the feedback!

  3. Gorgeous new look and a compassionate deed — it’s so you, Leslie! Thanks for sharing your journey!

  4. Go, Leslie!! The new “do” looks great, and what a wonderful charity to support.

  5. How fine that Molly donated her beautiful hair! l didn’t know that. And thank you for the moral support about the new short look!

  6. You look wonderful! And I’m sure you feel wonderful, too, having done such a good thing. I wish I had enough hair to donate!

  7. Great photos and I love the new look! Molly did Locks of Love as she entered 6th grade way back 10+ years ago – she’s not gone back to hair long enough to do it again. You look great!

  8. Summer is a good time for shorter hair, isn’t it? I feel free from the tyranny of the blowdryer!

  9. Welcome to the short hair club! Thanks for the pictorial of your journey!

  10. What a wonderful post! It’s nice to know your beautiful hair will help someone else. It’s such a great organization. And, it’s fun to have a hairstyle change—it looks fantastic!

  11. Hi Leslie, What a courageous step and generous deed! I love your new look! Thanks for sharing the transformation, Doris

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