Postcard: March 4, 2019

Nothing takes my mind off looming cabin fever like reading surprising new work, and so in this chilled time of the year I am especially grateful for something new to capture my attention. If you, too, feel this way, here is some good news–
The new issue of Mezzo Cammin: An Online Journal of Formalist Poetry by Women has been published. As usual, it is full of work that inspires me with its deftness and insight. In this issue, I especially enjoyed Barbara Crooker’s paean to some of the currently eclipsed arts that take up much of my time–baking, soup-making, working with yarns–called “Obsolence.”
Two of my own poems, a sonnet and a set of tercets, can also be found here. Both are drawn from an as-yet-unfinished collection of poems about mothers and daughters.
Happy reading! Leslie