April 28, 2017 Poem “Death”


I hate you and the horse you rode in on.
I hate your black hat, your black boots, your cloak
darker than oblivion. Carrion
memories attend you, and I hate them—oak-

galled ink scribblings in the margins of your
book. I hate the pain you cut with a steel
quill across the faces I love, how you roar
in bone-silence, deeper and more surreal

than the bedrock ticking of clocks or time
itself. I hate how you invade this form
of love, this sonnet, twisting its pretzeled rhyme
to your own echoless ends: unsound, infirm.

I shall stare you down. I shall take the reins.
Pale horse, your rider walks away in chains.

Leslie Schultz

The photograph of the white swirl on the water was taken at the glacial pothole park at Taylor’s Falls on the St. Croix River, a bit north of here. The other photographs were taken in Savannah, Georgia.


Check out other participants at the NaPoWriMo Challenge 2017 home site!



Poet-Artist Collaboration XVI Reading on April 8, 2017 at The Crossings in Zumbrota

PAC XVI postcard (1)

For the 16th year in a row, Crossings at Carnegie, a lively art center and concert venue in Zumbrota, Minnesota, has brought poets together with visual artists. Each year, poets send in poems and, through a blind judging process, upwards of two dozen are selected. Meanwhile, through a similar juried process, an equal number of visual artists are selected. The end result is a month-long exhibit at The Crossings to celebrate National Poetry Month, and the highlight is a celebratory reception and reading. This year, on Saturday, April 8, artists, poets, friends, family, and art-and-poetry lovers generally will gather for a feast of great food and wine and a chance to hear poems read, to view the art works inspired by the poems, and to hear a little bit about the inspiration behind the work.

I will be there to read my poem, “Nomad’s Daughter,” and I would love to see you, too, if your schedule allows.

The Crossings is a very dynamic place. I have participated in four past Poet-Artist Collaborations, and, some years ago, they hosted a joint exhibition of my photographs and those of Northfielder Patsy Dew. They always have something interesting going on, and their shop is full of unusual and beautiful merchandise that makes finding a perfect gift quite easy. It is worth checking out any day of the year!  For directions, and for more information about the depth of program offerings, from classes and concerts, to exhibitions and shop offerings, you can find out more about The Crossings at Carnegie by checking out their website.

Sig Flowers

My Poem in THE WAYFARER & Homebound Publications Reciprocity Project

Wayfarer Cover March 2017

The arrival of a new issue of The Wayfarer at our house is always an occasion. This one, just out, is especially compelling to me. Its selection of poems and many articles–a multi-faceted story on the peaceful but determined and wide-spread Standing Rock movement to protect Lakota land and water; an interview that highlights the work of illustrator Jackie Morris who combines exquisite watercolor with gold leaf [See the cover image]; a reflection by Gail Collins-Ranadive on visiting the Anne Frank Memorial Park in the heart of Boise, Idaho; on mindful and delicious eating; and on an array of other topics–all support my own determination not to despair in this fraught time but rather to steadily turn my face toward the best expressions of what it means to be human. Reading The Wayfarer reminds me to stay grounded but to let my imagination soar. It also demonstrates, in an uncommonly beautiful and truthful way, that I am not alone–many, many people are finding ways–brave and tender, large and small–every day–to make the world a more compassionate, respectful, imaginative, and joyful place.

When I see how The Wayfarer and its parent company, Homebound Publications, marries art and activism, I feel restored and inspired. Here is one example:

“We are excited to announce Homebound Publications’ Reciprocity Project. For the entire year of 2017, for every order that comes through our store, we will donate one new book to a library within the United States.”

I am so pleased that one of my own poems, “The Botanical Guide to Select Poets of New England and New York,” is included in this latest issue. If you would like to know more, or order either a digital print copy, take a look at the Homebound website, where you can also browse the entire list of Homebound Publications–ranging from back issues of The Wayfarer to books of essay and poetry, each carefully crafted and inspiring.

Happy Reading! Happy Dreaming! Happy Spring!

Sig Flowers and Art

Postcard + Concert Account: March 20, 2017

March 20 2017

Tim and I tend to be homebodies most evenings. What, we ask, could be better than a nice cup of green tea and a good book or a DVD lecture from the Teaching Company?

Every once in a while, though, it is good to shake things up. When Tim’s brother, Luke, generously gave him tickets to last evening’s concert with Joe Bonamassa at the Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis, we had a rare night on the town.

JB Glitter of the City

It was stimulating to go out on a Saturday night specifically to see and hear something new.

JB Tim and Leslie

JB Outside Cropped

Tim already knew of Joe Bonamassa’s virtuosity. Since I am much less well versed in current music (indeed, reliant on friends to make recommendations) I sought out some basic facts in advance. What I learned impressed me. First, his career was launched when he was just twelve years old and opened twenty shows for blues legend B.B. King. (To see a vintage photo of young Joe with King, click HERE and scroll down.) That was in 1989. Bonamassa recorded his first studio album in 2000 and now has over a dozen CDs,


(as well as concert DVD’s, mugs, t-shirts, you name it.) He also tours widely and internationally and is a consummate performer.

JB On Stage

JB On Stage 2

I enjoyed the chance to see and hear him live. I also enjoyed people-watching and simply being in the vintage space of the Orpheum Theatre (built in 1921 and owned by Bob Dylan from 1979 to 1988.) While Tim captured video, I was mesmerized by light effects as they translated to the central chandelier.

JB Pink Chandelier

JB Blue Chandelier

Now an admirer of his recent video, DRIVE, I was able to buy the new studio CD on which it appears, Blues of Desperation.


After a post-concert bite at a favorite restaurant, Cafe Maude, we listened to this track as we rolled along Highway 35 toward Northfield. All in all, we agreed it was a rare and wonderful evening. I realized the last big city concert we’d had attended was more than a dozen years ago. (Keb Mo’, the old Guthrie Theater, Keep It Simple had just been released. Before smart phones. Before I even had a flip-phone!) Probably it was high time to add a high decibel evening into our cozy customary entertainment.  And it made us appreciate home even more–and look forward to the next season of The Great British Baking Show!

JB Pre-Concert

JB Doll