6 thoughts on “Labor Day 2014

  1. Hi Ted,

    Speaking literally, Tim has lost many of the trees planted over the years on the family land, but these apples trees, planted when Julia was a baby, are the survivors, and this year there is a bumper crop!

    Speaking metaphorically, nothing tastes so good or is so much appreciated as that which has required the most work. I do think these efforts, such as Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest (and Northfield’s Sidewalk Poetry, too), are netting wonderful “fruit”–new poems to savor. Leslie

  2. Hi, Leslie – I know from experience that after the planting, there can be a less than
    sought-for harvest, but I always appreciate your “Winona Media” posts. Here’s to
    the GRSF/Maria Sonnet Contest, 2015! Best to you and the family, Ted

  3. Hi Marea,

    Remember when the apples trees were planted? They’ve grown along with Julia.


    P.S. A little bird told me that some of the apple sauce is coming your way…!

  4. Hi Carolyn,

    Hope your berry crops are doing well…now you see what we’re doing this weekend! Leslie

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